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Lucinda Watkins

How do I find a healthy Balance?

I get asked this often... How do I find balance. ... We are each SO unique. What works for one person might not work for you...

I find balance...

By not counting calories ...

By not eating foods that make me feel sick

By not eating out of minature containers

By listening to my body and what it needs

By resting when my body is exhausted

By not doing bootcamp type workouts

By not listening to "rules" that don't work for me

By not conforming to what others say is the "ideal" (body type, workouts, ways of eating)

By getting out of bed every day early to go walk my dogs

By going for a bike ride with my kids as often as I can

By climbing every mountain that I can

By being outside in nature every single day

By making sure there is some fun in my life

How do you find balance?

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